The 6th graders from Märwil and Lanterswil have tried to find as many animals in English as possible. Here is the result of the pupils from Märwil (39 animals):

And this is the result of the pupils from Lanterswil:

They have found 45 animals.
Congratulation Lanterswil!
The pictures are taken from
Wow! Well done everyone in both schools, so many animals!!
Well done also Ms M for using wordle, it looks great and you will have to give me a lesson!
Have a wonderful Easter everyone!
Mrs E
wow you are great animal finders... I couldn't think of that many even in German...
have a great Easter holidays and enjoy all the chocolate... so do I !!
wow, super! ihr seid echt fleissig gewesen! hab mir soeben einige posts angesehen. es ist wirklich sehr interessant, was ihr im englisch alles lernt. bin gespannt auf die nächsten einträge...
herzliche grüsse gabriela hinder
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