Sunday, 17 November 2013

Under the hat - episode 8

This is the first time the new 6th graders have produced an 'under the hat' episode.
Thanks to the three pupils and especially to the 'reporter' girl who interviewed Mrs Uhlmann!
Further a big thank you to Mrs Uhlmann who had to be very patient until we were ready to film. ;-)

Under the hat - episode 8 from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

My Mr Line Man can - The film 2

Watch the film from the 3rd graders from Friltschen!

My Mr Line Man can 2 from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.

My Mr Line Man can - The film 1

The 3rd graders from Märwil have made a film with their Mr Line Men.

My Mr Line Man can from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

My Mr Line Man can... 2

Here are the pictures of the 3rd graders from Märwil.
They have drawn their Mr Line Men.
Aren't they funny?
My Mr Line Man can... 2 on PhotoPeach

My Mr Line Man can...

The 3rd graders from Friltschen have drawn Mr Line Men.
Have a look!
My Mr Line Man can... on PhotoPeach