Sunday, 17 November 2013

Under the hat - episode 8

This is the first time the new 6th graders have produced an 'under the hat' episode.
Thanks to the three pupils and especially to the 'reporter' girl who interviewed Mrs Uhlmann!
Further a big thank you to Mrs Uhlmann who had to be very patient until we were ready to film. ;-)

Under the hat - episode 8 from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

My Mr Line Man can - The film 2

Watch the film from the 3rd graders from Friltschen!

My Mr Line Man can 2 from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.

My Mr Line Man can - The film 1

The 3rd graders from Märwil have made a film with their Mr Line Men.

My Mr Line Man can from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

My Mr Line Man can... 2

Here are the pictures of the 3rd graders from Märwil.
They have drawn their Mr Line Men.
Aren't they funny?
My Mr Line Man can... 2 on PhotoPeach

My Mr Line Man can...

The 3rd graders from Friltschen have drawn Mr Line Men.
Have a look!
My Mr Line Man can... on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

6th graders versus 6th graders challenge nr. 1

This year, we have only one class of 6th graders.
That's why we decided to build two groups in the class to play a new words challenge.
The groups had to find as many animals as possible.
Here is the result of the first group (Elisa, Jerome, Sabrina, Astrit, Zoé, Liun and Nathalie):

They have found 47 words.
And here is the result of the second group (Ruven, Jonas, Anika, Janina, Jérine and Joël):

They have found 40 words.
The winner is the first group. Congratulation!

The pictures were created on

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Thank you...

We are very happy to see that we have so many visitors from the United States of America! Thank you and click on our blog again soon.

If you leave a message, please write your name and do not remain anonymous!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Mister and Miss - Quiz 2

Here is the second quiz from the fourth and the sixth graders from Lanterswil.
Can you find out these names too? They are more difficult!
Special thanks to Aline and Laura from the secondary school who helped us with the quiz!

Mister and Miss - Quiz 1

The fourth and the sixth graders from Lanterswil have drawn pictures of little Misters and little Misses. Can you find out their names?

Monday, 2 September 2013

Back to school...

The summer holiday is over. Everyone is back at school. Soon, there will be new posts on the blog from the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th and the 6th graders! Don't forget to click on the blog again!
'Always a tough time' means 'Always a difficult or hard time'!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Here is a collection of words about wolves from Elisa. Have fun ! =)
This picture was created with

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

What's your favourite sport?

The 5th graders have created a poll about sport. Please take part in our poll and vote for your favourite sport!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Friday, 14 June 2013

Poll: Which post do you like best?

Take part in our poll and click on the post that you like best on our blog! Nimm an unserer Umfrage teil und klicke auf den Beitrag, den du auf unserm Blog am liebsten hast! Wenn du eine neue Idee hast für einen Blogbeitrag, dann schreibe einen Kommentar dazu!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Under the hat - episode 7

This time under the hat is our 'Schulpräsidentin' Regula Buzziol. We are very happy that we could get her under the hat before she stops being the 'Schulpräsidentin' of our school. Thank you very much for your time, Regula!

Under the hat - episode 7 from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Under the hat - episode 6

This time 'under the hat' is Mrs Mauerhofer.
Have fun!

Under the hat - episode 6 from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Märwil versus Lanterswil challenge number 7

This time, the 6th graders had to find as many sports as they could find.

Here is the result from Märwil:

The pupils have found 38 words.

And here is the result from Lanterswil:

The pupils have found 39 words.

The winner is Lanterswil. Congratulation!

The score is now 4 : 3 for Lanterswil.

Fancy another revenge, Märwil?

Poems from the 4th graders from Märwil

The 4th graders from Märwil have written poems.
Have a look!



Monday, 29 April 2013

Märwil versus Affeltrangen challenge number 2

This time the pupils had to find as many clothes as possible.
Here is the result from Affeltrangen:

The 4th graders have found 34 words!

And here is the result from Märwil:

The pupils have found 26 words.

The winner this time is Affeltrangen.
The score is now 1 : 1.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Thank you...

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Under the hat - episode 5

This time under the hat is our head teacher Mrs Sauder.
Thank you very much!
<p>Under the hat - episode 5 from Monika Manferdini on Vimeo.</p>

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Yummy! Our favourite dinners!

The 3rd graders have drawn and labelled their favourite food and drinks.
Have a look!
Our favourite dinners on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Quiz 3: My dream town/village

These are the pictures and texts of the 4th graders from Lanterswil.
Can you match the pictures with the correct texts?
Leave a comment with your answers!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Märwil versus Affeltrangen Challenge number 1

The 3rd graders from Märwil and Affeltrangen tried to find as many words as possible for the topic 'BODY'.
Here is the result from Affeltrangen:

The pupils have found 27 words.
And here is the result from Märwil:

The pupils have found 30 words (including the four bones-words, thank you 3rd graders from Affeltrangen!).
Congratulation Märwil!
The score is now 1 : 0 for Märwil.
Fancy a revenge, kids from Affeltrangen?

Quiz 2: My dream town/village

This is the second part of the pictures and texts from the 4th graders from Märwil.
Can you match the pictures with the correct texts?
Leave a comment with your answers!